Sunday Stills: Window

Hugh’s View & News says:  Like you and I, every window can tell a story. Some will show you those stories, while others will only show them to a chosen few. Some won’t reveal their stories to anything in our world.

These are a few pictures I took this past summer when I went back to my childhood home town. They’re very amateurish (which is what my photography is) and taken on the run. I used my iPhone8+.

One of many store fronts found on Main Street.  This one happens to be unoccupied.  Love the 1890 at the top!

So sad to see our elementary schools fall into complete disrepair.  This is Anthony Wayne and I attended here in the sixth grade. It was built in 1931 and our schools depended on open windows and doors for air conditioning! The elementary school I attended from second to fifth grades (Franklin Elementary) has already been torn down and is now a neighborhood park.

Standing in front of the County Courthouse looking up. It’s such a beautiful old structure.  So much history.  Built in 1876.  It is still in use today. This is a view of the second story circular window from the outside.

The above second floor window from the inside at the top of the stairs looking out.  My friend and I used to play inside and outside this old courthouse back in the 50s.

Sitting in my family’s sun room looking out across a farmer’s field.


Thursday Doors – Danger!

Thursday Doors is a weekly feature allowing door lovers to come together to admire and share their favorite door photos from around the world. Feel free to join in on the fun!

Ran across this building while driving out and about the countryside. I wouldn’t go up close to the building because I didn’t feel like I wanted a close-up of me on their surveillance camera (if there really was one)! Does that mean watch out for aliens or ghosts? 😆


Black & White Challenge – Day 5

Isadora at Isadora Art and Photography invited me to join this black & white challenge.  Thanks, Issy!

Rules are:
• Post a B & W photo for 7 days.
• 7 black and white photos of your life.
• No people.
• No explanation.
• Challenge someone new each day.

I would like to invite anyone who is interested in participating to do so. I would like to specifically invite Rupali with the understanding that there is no obligation to participate!

The Catio

It’s been quite some time in coming. But here it is. In my opinion, the pictures just don’t do it justice. It came out so much better than I could have hoped! And the kitties are loving it. It still needs a few little additions for them. Maybe some shelves and toys and stuff. But they’re enjoying it and that’s all that matters to me!

The beginning

N. Georgia

Let the construction begin
2016-01-14 Catio Beginning_Fotor

Framing it in2016-01-20 Catio framing_Fotor

Up goes the siding
2016-01-26 Catio Progressing_Fotor

Painted and waiting for screens
2016-02-07 Catio needs screens_Fotor

Freckles and Maggie – Mortal enemies in Florida; best buds in Georgia
PLEASE, Mum, you’ve been saying for two months, it won’t be long now…
2016-01-27 Freckles & Maggie_Fotor

The finished product from the outside
2016-02-20 Front Finished Catio_Fotor

Finished (almost) product from the inside
There were four out of the seven enjoying their new catio when I went to take the picture
2016-03-12 Cats in Catio_Fotor

I still have things I want to add inside the catio for them. I’d like to put in more shelves and climbing thingees. And some sort of grassy area. But hubby and our contractor friend said that it’s probably too shaded to have any grassy section. If any of you out there are reading this and have any ideas and/or suggestions for any thing to add to the catio, they are more than welcome!

Hubby and our contractor friend felt that the catio needed one more thing to make it complete. And shown below is their suggestion. A neon sign.  Gee, do you think the neighbors would have anything to say? Oh, right guys. Laugh it up and just keep laughing.

Linda's Cat House

Sally D’s Mobile Photography Challenge: Challenger’s Choice (Architecture)

The 4th Monday of the month is Challenger’s Choice at Lens and Pens by Sally.

I took this picture of Orlando City Hall a while back. I just liked the design of the door and windows. I didn’t realize until later that the reflection of the Grand Bohemian Hotel across the street showed up in the small window above the door!

Orlando City Hall

Orlando City Hall 2

Sally D’s Mobile Photography Challenge: Challenger’s Choice (Architecture)

Lens and Pens by Sally‘s 4th Monday is a Challenger’s Choice. I chose a couple of architectural photos I took a while back while next to Church Street Station in Orlando. The tall structure is the SunTrust Building where I once worked a long time ago! Do you have a preference on angle?

Orlando-Church St Clock 2

Orlando-Church St Clock