Phoneography and Non-SLR Digital Devices Photo Challenge: Macro

Sally of Lens and Pens says:  Macro is a walk through a plot to catch the audience by surprise. It’s a story that visually tantalizes with unexpected splendor in the miniscule. But small does not always aim to please. Truly, it’s a challenger’s challenge.

I think of my contributions as sort of macro! One of these days I’ll invest in a macro lens for my iPhone5. The photo of Nicky has only been cropped. The flower was edited in Snapseed.

2013-05-26 23.26.57

Nicky Sleeping




2014-03-22 10.48.20




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35 comments on “Phoneography and Non-SLR Digital Devices Photo Challenge: Macro

  1. The macro (image 2) is perfection with the tip of Nicky’s tongue ever-so-slightly showing, and topped off with that rosy nose. Keep going back to it. Happy Photo Challenge.

  2. sueslaght says:

    Linda I really like the effect the cropping gives to the photo of Nicky. Like i could give her nose a wee pat. 🙂

  3. Amy says:

    Love the photo of Nicky 🙂 How cute! 🙂

  4. He’s so cute, Linda (at least while sleeping!) 🙂


  5. Amy Pinkrose says:

    LOVE these, Linda!!! Aren’t cats fascinating? I am continually photographing mine. My followers want to see what is in my gardens, so those pics are for me!! GREAT post!!! xx Amy

    • Thanks so much, Amy! I never had a cat growing up and now I have five! They’re amazing creatures! Gosh, I adore your garden photos but this follower would also love seeing your critters! 😉

      • Amy Pinkrose says:

        Hmmmmm…….I’ll try again, Linda. Last time I tried, not too many people seemed to enjoy the pics. I’ll work on it. I have 14 fascinating, gorgeous cats. And I am not just saying that because I Love them. No. They really are gorgeous. Must have been before you were following me that I posted pics of them. I know I have pics of them on my menu. That might whet your curiosity a little. LOL xx Amy
        PS I am right with you about the amaziing part regarding cats. I don’t know what I would do without them in my life.

        • Amy, you just do what comes natural for you! I’ve started checking out your Fur Angel posts! Just so adorable. Wow, I thought I had my hands full with five inside and 2-4 outside (neighborhood) cats. You definitely have me beat! More power to you cause I know the love and time (and money!) involved! And I know it’s all worth it! Hugs, dear lady!

        • Amy Pinkrose says:

          OH LINDA!!!! Bless you for all you do for these beloved angels. Yes, I DO know the work and the MONEY that goes into this. I wouldn’t trade this for the world. I have a cleaning service come in once a month to help me out. One of the women made a comment, “I couldn’t live like this with all this fur!” and I just looked at her and said, “Well, you aren’t. I am.” And just looked at her. Tee Hee. I LOVE the fur except when it is on my black pants. Tee Hee. I keep up as much as I can, but where Bella sleeps for example (HER pillow) there is fur. She likes it that way so I keep it for her. Anyways …. bless your heart for seeing my family. I LOVE them so much, Linda. Most come from an abused or starving or at death’s door beginning when they showed up on my doorstep. HUGS (((HUGS))) from me to another ANGEL who has been called to protect the 4-footed Angels. I feel so much Love for you right now!!!

        • Aw, Amy, you make me blush. And look at you, girl. You’ve more than doubled the amount I’m caring for! My sis-in-law says the same thing — she’s not an animal person. And, yet, she loves helping me get rid of all the fur! hee hee! Bless her heart! She loves cleaning and I love the benefits! Yes, I’d hate to think about these kitties and my dogs being on their own trying to survive. We’ve had to stop rescuing since we retired. Too expensive and it wouldn’t be fair. So, we do what we can. Of course, the ones we have will be with us until Rainbow Bridge time! Blessings and love to you, too, dear Amy.

        • Amy Pinkrose says:

          Linda, we are in the same position. No more rescues. We’ve stopped about 2 years ago. I am already caring for more cats outside that manage to find the Kitchen 24/7 SIGN that seems to be over our house. LOL These animals give me the incentive to stay healthy for without me, they would not survive. I have some with pretty serious medical problems who are on medications. You name it, I see to be caring for “it”. Yes, I do welcome help. It can get very overwhelming especially with my “passion” in photography taking up so much of my time. I really honor those who walk in my shoes. It is not a picnic, by a long shot, but the LOVE in return is SO worth it. That and I feel as though I am making a little bit of difference in the lives of these cats, who would otherwise be dead. If everyone would do a “little”, Linda, the problems we see in the animal world would be radically decreased. HAVE a great DAY!!!! Love, Amy (((HUGS)))

        • Those kitties do know a sucker when they find one! hee hee! We’re lucky with our five cats in that only one requires meds. My Nicky is diabetic and I have to give him insulin twice a day. Naturally, he’s insulin resistant and I have to buy one of the most expensive! But he’s worth it! We have two young ones who come and go and use our garage as their base. Their mom and dad come by, too. We’ve had the two young females spayed but haven’t caught mom and dad yet. Just a matter of time! 😉

        • Amy Pinkrose says:

          Oh, Linda, bless you! I KNOW the work you are talking about, AND the expense. I have all fixed except for the ferals, and I cannot get near them, nor do I want to. Vets here will not give me a break in the price plus they will clip their ears IF they are feral when they get fixed. That is horrible and I refuse to have anything to do with that. HUGE (((HUGS))) Amy

  6. Joanne says:

    How cute is Nicky’s tongue “just” sticking out whilst sleeping? Fabulous capture! 🙂

  7. Suzanne says:

    These are interesting photos. I particularly like the last one.

  8. rommel says:

    One of your bests, Linda. Highly impressive esp. from an iphone.

  9. cindy knoke says:

    Okay the kitty wins!!! But they are all great shots~

  10. fozziemum says:

    Always that little tongue is just to die for 🙂 hugs Fozziemum xx

  11. DG MARYOGA says:

    Charming photos,amazing macro work,dear Linda ! Nicky is so cute and lovable ! Love also the brilliant face of the flower in both shots !!! Hope you don’t mind my belated comments … When on hols,it’s impossible for me to be consistent. Love and hugs, Doda xxx

    • Thank you so much, Doda! Hey, don’t you worry about even commenting when on holiday! I just wish I was on one, too! LOL! I hope you’re having the time of your life, dear friend! 😀

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