Thursday Doors – Danger!

Thursday Doors is a weekly feature allowing door lovers to come together to admire and share their favorite door photos from around the world. Feel free to join in on the fun!

Ran across this building while driving out and about the countryside. I wouldn’t go up close to the building because I didn’t feel like I wanted a close-up of me on their surveillance camera (if there really was one)! Does that mean watch out for aliens or ghosts? 😆


32 comments on “Thursday Doors – Danger!

  1. Lignum Draco says:

    Danger! Someone who is bad at drawing lives there. 🙂

  2. roninjax says:

    Probably the ghostly remnants of human involvement. I wouldn’t go near it as well.

  3. Danger! Snoopy might live nearby!!! 🙂

  4. Weird and spooky! Stay safe!

  5. Norm 2.0 says:

    Since my artistic skills are limited to drawing stick men and not very good ones at that, I won’t say too much about this person’s skill 😉
    Nice find though and thanks for joining us this week 🙂

  6. Comedy Plus says:

    It’s an invitation to the bad guys. There is something in here of value. Okay, that’s my take.

    Have a fabulous day. ♥

  7. GP Cox says:

    Kinda looks like a Smiley Face on a diet.

  8. It’s fantastic how wood weather’s and changes…. the face seems shaped like a bath sponge being squeezed!

  9. kittiesblue says:

    Love this old building. Wonder what (if anything) they are protecting inside. I know I wouldn’t have gotten too close either. We are expecting another snow storm tomorrow, and we are not fans either! Hugs, Janet

    • Isn’t it an odd building! I wonder how many people would be tempted to get up close and personal in spite of all the warnings! HA! Just not me! 😉 The weather is crazy. We’re supposed to have rain pretty much all week now.

  10. Rupali says:

    Someone might be trying an art lesson 🙂

  11. The warning signs seem to be effective in keeping people away; probably necessary because the door bottom had a wide gap in it!

  12. Val says:

    That is some old structure… look at the layers of paint on the door and the way the building is sort of propped up… I wonder what it was/is used for? I’m afraid with the Thursday Doors posts I tend to be focussed more on the surrounds of the doors than the doors themselves… but I see your interest in this one! 🙂

  13. DG MARYOGA says:

    Lovely abandoned house with the charm of the old although a bit frightening with the warning on its door.Great finding in the countryside,dear Linda 🙂 xxx

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