Life is full of surprises

I know better. I know one should never say “never”! But I did. At least twice. I said I would never sell my Florida house. I like the bird in hand. I also said I would never move north to a colder climate. 😛  Hubby talked me into listing the house for sale — just to see what might happen! Of course, it would be logical if we could get a certain price and find a smaller house we liked. 😛 Never thought it would happen. And we did like north Georgia (the Smoky Mountains) and had often talked about scaling down to a place in that area. Yeh, but, I meant I wanted to keep my Florida house AND have a summer home in the Smoky Mountains. Phhhht! 😛  Well, the lesson here is do not tempt God. He apparently has other plans than what I had. For he sent a buyer who really wanted our house. They made us an offer we realistically could not say no to. So, we immediately made plans to go house hunting in north Georgia. We went for five days and, lo and behold, we found a beautiful home in our price range, made an offer, and they immediately accepted it. Whoo, boy, we’re not in charge here. For whatever reason, the Lord wants us in north Georgia. So, we’re back in Florida now. We’re trying desperately to sort through 20 years of accumulation! The funny thing is, there’s not that much stuff that matters whether it goes with us or not (except, of course, our seven cats and one dog!). So, this coming weekend, we’re having a blow-out moving sale!

If any of you out there know a decent route from Orlando, Florida to north Georgia that completely bypasses Atlanta, please let me know. We will be transporting the animals with us and I don’t know if I can take the strain of Atlanta traffic again! It was a freakin’ nightmare!

So that’s my explanation of why I have not been posting! And that is why it will probably be a while before I get back into posting again. I will try to visit as I catch some time. By Christmas, we will be in our new home.

Out with the old:


In with the new:

N. Georgia

If I’m not back here posting before the Christmas holidays, let me take this time to wish each and every one of you a beautiful and blessed Christmas holiday for you and  yours! And if it takes me even longer to get back in the swing of things — HAVE A SAFE AND HAPPY NEW YEAR! 😀

81 comments on “Life is full of surprises

  1. de Wets Wild says:

    What a lovely new home! May you enjoy many happy and richly blessed moments there, Linda!

  2. jesh stg says:

    What – you found a house in five days?? That took us five months and 4 trips to that area! (A year ago:) Yeah I know the feeling – I never live in the country …and here we are, according to our adult children, even worse, “in the middle of nowhere.”

  3. Sue says:

    Hey Linda!! I love reading your posts and intend to write back, but unlike you, I’m terrible at writing! As much as I would love to be as brave as you are and move, I just can’t imagine! I thought you were going to down size but your new House looks much bigger! I love it by the way!! I want to wish you luck in your new journey! Love ya Cuz!

    Sent from my iPad


    • Hey, I’m just glad to see you visit! I certainly originally had no plans for a move. Looks can be deceiving because it is quite a bit smaller than our current home! The way hubby got me to agree to all this? — No more mortgage! Of course, we will now be closer to you! 😀 Love and hugs!

  4. Nancy says:

    Fabulous! Good Luck with the move and Merry Christmas!

  5. cindy knoke says:

    Oh how exciting!!! And your new house is GORGEOUS!! Please post more pics of it. It looks so lovely~

    • Thanks so much, Cindy. I’m sure I will be posting more pics. By the time we get there, it will be empty! So I’ll be starting with a fresh, clean slate! We’re getting rid of the bulk of our old ancient worn-out furniture here! 😆

  6. jesh stg says:

    Not in Georgia, Linda, but in California – 7 hours North of the Los Angeles basin, where we used to live (away from traffic, yay!). Yes, your new house is beautiful!

  7. Cynthia says:

    Good luck with your move and Happy New Beginnings! Your new home is so pretty, it really looks like a wonderful place to be

  8. Sonel says:

    Oh, I don’t blame you at all Linda. What a gorgeous home you bought! I just love that balcony and it looks so peaceful and quiet there. Wishing you many happy years there, filled with lots of fun, happiness and everything that’s good!

    I wish I could help you with a route but you can try Google maps and see whether you can find the perfect route for you to travel. I can only think how difficult it must be with the furry kids and I would also avoid lots of traffic. I’d rather travel a few miles longer and avoid traffic.

    Take care, be safe and see you when I see you. 😀 ♥

  9. Congrats!
    Change is good.
    And what a great way to purge!

  10. Sue Slaght says:

    Your new home looks lovely! Best of everything in the weeks ahead!

  11. Lignum Draco says:

    This is fate, I suspect. It’s a beautiful new home to move to. Good luck with the moving, and coming up to Christmas too! 🙂

  12. Wow! Congratulations! Your new place looks lovely!

  13. GP Cox says:

    I can see why you’re moving, Linda – While I don’t envy all the packing – I don’t blame you for taking Georgia!!! Don’t worry about us, we’re faithful – we’ll even keep the light on for you…

  14. Oh what a lovely house Linda, congratulations. I have moved so many times, I know: ‘one is never in charge!’ When moving critters, I have only one advise: drive if you can, do not fly is not needed. And get your animals chipped and vaccinated and have papers of ownership too, all in your dashboard! Good luck, dear friend, cannot wait to hear your stories again! xo Johanna

    • Thanks so much, Johanna. It’s just crazy! We will be driving up. It’s about 500 miles so about 8-9 hours. We’re just trying to coordinate the closings since there’s nobody who would rent a room to us for a night or two with 8 animals! HA! Take care and talk to you again soon I hope! 😀 ❤

  15. What? Not moving to UT? :o) What an awesome adventure! Your new house looks lovely! Good luck with all the packing/unpacking.

  16. how wonderful!! I am one of those people who welcome change and yours sounds exciting. I missed your posts! Good luck with it all!!

  17. Joanne says:

    What a wonderful excuse for not blogging – talk about the stars aligning for you – it really was meant to be. Your new home looks positively gorgeous! Wishing you nothing but happiness in your new abode, safe travels and pain-free packing! 😻

  18. Renee Espriu says:

    I found your blog link on my site and am glad I did. I resonate with what you are saying here, although, my move was within State. I became ill in Jan, had a stroke in March and open heart surgery in April. I retired, sold my house and moved into an apartment (really downsizing). I am still trying to figure this year out. I wish you well on your move and just know that it will all work out. 🙂

    • Oh, my, Renee, you have really had a whirlwind year. But you seem to be recovering well and I’m very glad for that. That’s one thing about this life — we never know what’s in store. It is an adventure to be savored. Things do have a way of working out! All the best to you! 😀

      • Renee Espriu says:

        Thank you for your kind words. The recovery has been long and I have had to be patient as I am use to always doing something or other and the year has forced me to slow down. A new life now but time to do what I love at long last. I look forward to reading more of your blog. I, too, have an interesting heritage. Take care.

  19. I love the rap around porch, I have always wanted to live in a home that had one…You are going to so enjoy you new life. Yes, what ever you do avoid the Atlanta traffic.

  20. Carl Murdock says:


  21. Wishing you all the best, Linda. Congrats on selling your home and finding such a lovely new place to live. I’m sure all your pets will love it there. 😃

  22. JoHanna Massey says:

    Hang on tight! Looks like you are exchanging one lovely home for another.

    We moved from North Carolina back to the high desert this year…major downsizing and lifestyle changes. I wrote about it on my brand new website….and encourage you to continue telling your story of change.

    Have fun with your move and look forward to following.

  23. prior2001 says:

    Well I truly seems like this is all appointed – woo hoo – and i love the two pics to compare – 💛 – and do no know any routes to suggest – but do know that reaching certain parts of GA can be rough – we had friends in jasper and gorgeous but such a pain to get to – and I am sure u know this – but Try to avoid evening traffic hours

    • Heehee, good advice but a bit late for the last trip. When we went up a couple weeks ago to house hunt we thought we’d get to Atlanta in between rush hours. I don’t believe there’s any such thing. But to make it worse, we got delayed and hit Atlanta about 4:15 and then with the time change it got dark quickly and THEN we ended driving through Atlanta for at least two hours in the worst storm to hit yet this season. Oh, those drivers on multiple merging lanes (up to eight at times) are insane! Oh, help me! I think I’ll drive up the coast if it means no more Atlanta! 😛

      • prior2001 says:

        Well seeing that I have the pets I would go around as well – and o my goodness did u have a rough time with a storm too!! And side note – when flying – I go out of my way to not have any layovers in Atlanta – that airport is huge and always busy and many times a layover requires terminal Changing which has been tough in the past.
        Anyhow – once you are settled u – I mean really settled – you might want to explore Atlanta because they are supposed to be one of the prettiest huge metropolis – with the largest sculpture- and arts/shopping/events galore – or not!

  24. DG MARYOGA says:

    How nice to see you posting again and that you’re fine first of all,dear Linda!Good news my friend,I figure that you,along with your hubbie and your fur-kids,will be happy in the new and beautiful house!I strongly believe in the well-known proverb that says “Man makes plans,and God laughs …”.Wishing you the best of best,and if you are not back here posting before Christmas,I’ll come back to leave my warmest wishes!Thank you for your heartfelt wishes!Take care 🙂 ❤ *

  25. Congratulations–what a whirlwind. It’s marvelous that you jumped into this adventure. Safe travels and enjoy a new whole new phase of your journey together.

  26. Wishing you well with the move, and a very merry Christmas in your new home! You said never tempt God and that reminded me of the time I prayed for God to help me get more exercise… Next thing I knew, we were moving from a region that gets snow for a few weeks per year to the prairies, where snow shovelling can last half the year… lol! 🙂 ♥ ❤

  27. badfish says:

    at least you’re out of the hurricane zone….hopefully? and you have a cool hill

  28. Congrats and good wishes, Linda. The new place looks lovely.

  29. rommel says:

    Overwhelming but sure exciting development and new chapter for the coming new year. How fun!

    • Thanks, Rommel! Definitely overwhelming at the moment! I will be glad to get settled in and be able to visit all my WP friends again! And I’ll certainly have new photos in the coming year. When we were house hunting, hubby nearly got run over by a herd of deer! Lots of new things coming! Have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! See ya soon! 😀

  30. OMG your new house is just georgeous!!! Congrats on that change! And keep not ever saying never!!! 🙂

    • Thank you so much! I think once I acclimate it will be wonderful. It’s been 30 years since I’ve lived in a cold climate! Although it hasn’t been too cold this week — just very rainy! I tried to have my computer translate your posts but for some reason it’s not cooperating this morning. I’ll try again! I hope you had a Merry Christmas and that you and yours will have a safe and beautiful New Year! 😀

  31. Mustang.Koji says:

    Are you kidding? Scale down? Your new place looks huge(r) and it’s two stories! That’ll be an adjustment… like needing an upstairs AND a downstairs vacuum cleaners. LOL It really looks like a lovely home and wow, it’s in the middle of Mother Nature!

    • It does look bigger from the outside for sure! I don’t seem to have the storage I had before and the living room/dining room is tiny. Oh, well. It is beautiful! And, besides, I finally have some built-in exercise equipment (stairs and a steep driveway – HA) 😆

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