21 comments on “Sparks of Willingness to be Patient

  1. darlamsands says:

    Excellent quote! Happy Sparks Monday, my dear.

  2. Comedy Plus says:

    Love this. Sometimes it’s hard to be patient. Knowing how to deal with those times is key.

    Have a fabulous day filled with wonderful Sparks. ♥

  3. 15andmeowing says:

    Excellent spark! I need to work on patience. 🙂

  4. Linda, these simple truths often add such perspective. Thank you. Big hugs, my friend.
    Sparks: 17
    Annie at ~McGuffy’s Reader~

  5. I love this Linda! ❤

  6. kittiesblue says:

    Patience has never been my strong suit; though, I have improved as I have grown older. I am very impatient, however, to have this eye infection over and done with at our house. Ah yes…the weight issue is definitely a ginger kitty thing. When things settle down around here, I am going to do some research into it. Hugs, Janet

    • I’m with you on the patience thing! Don’t blame you about that eye infection. Besides the suffering of the poor furrbabies, I can’t imagine the vet bill. 😦 Let me know if you come up with anything interesting for Cooper Murphy. Freckles is not a game player or much into toys. I’ve ordered some treat balls to see if that motivates him to get up and do something. We’ll see on that one. I’ve tried different halters on Freckles to try to “walk” him. He just lays flat and makes you drag him. The minute the halter comes off, get out of the way. I never would have though he could ever move that fast! LOL!

  7. Patience is indeed a virtue. Great quote!

  8. Purrfect, Linda, patience is my middle name and Granny’s too…mostly 😀 Pawkisses for a Happy Wednesday 🙂 ❤

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