
I would like to thank Martha at homethoughtsfromabroad626 for nominating me for The LIEBSTER Award! It is an award for bloggers who have fewer than 200 followers and it helps to highlight and promote new blogs. So, thank you, Martha!

The Award is a “pay-it-forward” thing as you must complete these requirements:

1.         Post the Award on my blog.

2.         Thank the blogger who gave me the Award and link back to their site.

3.         Post 11 random facts about myself.

4.         Answer 11 questions that the presenter of the Award has asked.

5.         Nominate 11 new bloggers with fewer than 200 followers who I want to receive the Award.

6.         Ask my nominees 11 questions of my own.


1.         I love researching my genealogy, reading, writing, crocheting and animal care.

2.         I am trying to incorporate a healthier way of eating into my lifestyle.

3.         Mystery and detective novels are my favorite reading (or listening to mp3 in the car). I also read a boatload of books on crafts and the art of writing being hopelessly optimistic something will sink in and really make a difference.

4.         I no longer have cable TV but I still have a number of favorite shows that I watch, both old and new, through streaming.

5.         I love what little I know about IRELAND and hope to visit there one day.

6.         I was a secretary, primarily in the legal field, for about 35 years.

7.         I have worked as a police officer and a veterinary assistant, just not at the same time!

8.         I am an amateur genealogist and would love to be an amateur photographer.

9.         I love vintage, antique, retro movies, furniture, clothes!

10.       I currently have two dogs and five cats, all rescues.

11.       I’m trying to plan some sort of budget vacation for our 25th wedding anniversary! (Hint, hint – suggestions anyone?)

I would like to nominate the following eleven blogs for the LIEBSTER Award because I enjoy their posts. Each blog has less than 200 followers, and hopefully this Award will help promote more followers. So, don’t take my word for it. Go check them out for yourself!

A Hundred Years Ago

Rosemarie in Europe 2013

Colin Butterworth Photography and Blog



Northwest Frame of Mind

Completely Disappear

Robyn Graham Photography

Travel with Intent

Ain’t Mine No More

Brandy Heineman

Here are my answers to Martha’s eleven questions:

1.         What is your favorite book? The Book of Mormon

2.         What person influenced you most when you were growing up? Mom

3.         If you could travel the world, where would you go first? IRELAND

4.         What is your dream car? Lexus

5.         What are three things on your bucket list that you hope to do soon? Travel, travel, and travel

6.         Which was your most memorable birthday? The next one!

7.         What was your favorite year and why? They’ve all been pretty good!

8.         Who is your favorite singer or musician? So many…

9.         What did you do for the Millenium New Year’s Eve 1999/2000? Was glad I still had a functioning computer!

10.       What is your greatest accomplishment? Still having a lot of the same friends for over 50 years.

11.       Of what are you the most proud? My family and friends

Here are eleven questions for the eleven people I have nominated:

1.         If you could be an animal, what type of animal would you be?

2.         What is your favorite food?

3.         What is your favorite TV show?

4.         What is your guilty pleasure?

5.         Link to your favorite recipe?

6.         Best place you have ever visited?

7.         What was your favorite childhood tv or book character?

8.         What is your most recent good deed?

9.         If you could only take two things with you from your home, what would they be?

10.       What is the most exciting thing that has ever happened to you?

11.       If you could turn back time, what would that time be?

Again, thanks to Martha for this nomination, and thanks also to those I have nominated for the interesting posts on your blogs!

19 comments on “The LIEBSTER Award!

  1. RobynG says:

    Congratulations Linda!!! That is wonderful. And thank you for thinking of me and mentioning me on your blog! I truly appreciate it! Blessings, Robyn

  2. Debbie says:

    Thank you for passing this on to me. It is an honour. I will accept – just need a bit of time!

  3. Congrats to you Linda! I am so happy you like my blog and have included me in your list of 11! Now I am going to spend some time reading the other blogs you have mentioned above. 🙂

  4. Sheryl says:

    Congratulations! And, thank you for nominating A Hundred Years Ago. I am honored that you think it is worthy of this award.

  5. gpcox says:

    You do a wonderful job on your website and you deserve the recognition. Congrats!!

  6. Linda, when I was on here yesterday, I already knew that I was nominating you for both the Liebster Award and the WordPress Family Award, so you’ll have to make do with another Liebster ;).

  7. […] Many, many thanks to Linda at Living with My Ancestors  for nominating me for this award. […]

  8. cynt5525 says:

    Congratulations !!!!! Thank You For Liking my Drawing!!!*Cynthia

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